Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Why Cyber Security Affects Everyone

Why Cyber Security Affects Everyone

Cybersecurity doesn’t involve just businesses and the government. Your computer, tablet, and cellphone probably contain information that hackers and other criminals would love to have, like other people’s email addresses, names, and birthdates. Suppose, for example, a hacker had access to your contact information. He could then send an email or text message to everyone you know, using your name, encouraging them to click on a link containing malware, like “Hey Jane, I thought you’d love this! Click here.”
In a connected world, we each have a responsibility to protect ourselves and the people we interact with, and it all starts with understanding cybersecurity.
Understanding the Role of Cyber Security
Anything that relies on the internet for communication, or is connected to a computer or other smart device, can be affected by a breach in security. This includes:
•    communication systems, like email, phones and text messages
•    transportation systems, including traffic control, car engines, airplane navigation systems
•    government databases, including Social Security numbers, licenses, tax records
•    financial systems, including bank accounts, loans, and paychecks
•    medical systems, including equipment and medical records
•    educational systems, including grades, report cards, and research information

So you should take the training of cyber security from us. Because inspire cyber security is known as the best cyber security class in Surat.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Tips for good web page design

Tips for good web page design
Probably the most important aspect of web design. Consistency means that all pages have a common general structure. And this affects both the ease of navigation, as well as the colors, fonts, styles, and registers. It says a lot about the image of a company.
A good design is the first step towards consistency. And careful work is necessary from the beginning.

Ease of navigation
As we have already pointed out in previous posts, navigation and user experience are key. The structure of the menus and the categorization of the content should ensure that the steps towards conversion are few and simple. Ideally, this process should never be more than three steps. And the clearer it is, the better.
Put yourself in the user's place and detect those points that may confuse you or cause you to abandon the process.
The color of the links already visited
Something as simple as highlighting the links that the user has already visited is a good example of how to facilitate navigation. The clarity of a web page is that the user knows exactly where it is. What you are looking for, and above all, where you have not found it. The unnecessary repetition bothers.
Another important issue is to distinguish the internal links from the external ones. The best way is to make the external links open in new tabs so that the user is not invited to leave the page they initially visited.
Visual hierarchy
When a user lands on a website, he or she searches for something specific and finds it depends on the visual presentation of the page. It is recommended that there is not too much text, time is something valuable. The information comes much more clearly when it is concise, well organized and has visual support. Adaptation to cultural reading patterns (in our context, from left to right and from top to bottom) will also make it easier to arrive directly. The text structure in F or in Z are, in this sense, the ones that work best.
Alternatively, the grid allows a simple organization of the content so that the movement is only vertical.
Inspire computer education takes care of all these things and gives training to their students about it.

How to Install and Run Kali Linux on any Android Smartphone

How to Install and Run Kali Linux on any Android Smartphone

Steps To Install Kali Linux On Any Android:
1. First of all download and install Linux Deploy App in your android from the Google Play Store.
2. Now After downloading and installing it launch the app in your device and there tap on download button.
3. Now there tap on Distribution option and change it to Kali Linux instead of Linux.
4. Now scroll up and click on the Install button at the top of there.
5. Now wait for the download to complete time taken can be vary depending upon your internet speed.
6.Now download and install VNC Viewer App in your android from the Play Store.
7. Now launch the app and fill up the settings as displayed on the screenshot below.
8. Now click on Connect button there.
9. Thats it you are done, Now Kali linux gets installed in your android and you can enjoy the dummy hacking environment in your android.
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